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Similarities and differences between female and male sexual functions and dysfunctions

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Graziottin A.
Similarities and differences between female and male sexual functions and dysfunctions
The Journal of Men’s Health & Gender, 1(1): 71-76, 2004
Men and women are different, no question about it. But are they so radically different as their genital, somatic and psychological features would suggest or do they share a great deal of similarities? For a clinician, this is a challenging question. What we see, touch, hear, smell, taste is different.
However most of the basic vascular, nervous, endocrine, metabolic, immune biological mechanisms are the same, the differences being more quantitative than qualitative. Even in the sexual domain there are considerable similarities. A secret symmetry characterizes the biochemical background, behind the striking differences of which we are all aware.
Where do we set the borderline in the continuum of similarities? Let’s start a debate on this topic as a contribute to reshape our knowledge and challenge obsolete concepts with a view to opening new windows. A parallel approach to studying female and male sexuality might be useful and, hopefully, enriching for both sexes.
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