Sexual function and sexual distress in women with interstitial cystitis: a case-control study
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Peters K.M. Killinger K.A. Carrico D.J. Ibrahim I.A. Diokno A.C. Graziottin A. Sexual function and sexual distress in women with interstitial cystitis: a case control study Urology 70 (3), 2007, 543-547
Women with interstitial cystitis (IC) have significantly more FSD and sexual distress than women without IC. During adolescence (the start of menstruation through age 18), having had intercourse, levels of sexual desire, and orgasm frequency did not differ significantly between the cases and controls. However, a significantly greater proportion of cases reported fear of pain (P = 0.018) and pain with intercourse (P = 0.001). In adulthood, a significantly greater proportion of cases reported having pelvic pain, fear of pain during intercourse, and dyspareunia (P <0.001 for all). Furthermore, after the diagnosis of IC, the number of cases reporting moderate to high desire (P <0.001) and orgasm frequently and very frequently declined significantly (P <0.001). The mean value of the Female Sexual Distress Scale was greater among established IC cases (18.5 ± 14.3) compared with controls (8.3 ± 10.2; P <0.001). A score of 15 or greater on the Female Sexual Distress Scale has been associated with sexual distress. Additional study is needed to explore the multiple factors contributing to FSD in IC.
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