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Vestibulodynia: synergy between palmitoylethanolamide + transpolydatin and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

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Vestibulodynia: synergy between palmitoylethanolamide + transpolydatin and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
Murina F. Graziottin A. Felice R. Radici G. Tognocchi C.
Vestibulodynia: synergy between palmitoylethanolamide + Transpolydatin and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease 2013 Apr; 17 (2): 111-6
The study aimed to assess the effect of palmitoylethanolamide + transpolydatin combination in patients with vestibulodynia undergoing transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy and to confirm the effectiveness of TENS also in a domiciliary protocol.
The study is based on the premise that palmitoylethanolamide + transpolydatin combination may contribute to a down-regulation of mast cell hyperactivity, which is believed to be responsible for the proliferation and sprouting of vestibular pain fibers and the associated hyperalgesia and allodynia.

By courtesy of American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology - File available for personal use only