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The pelvic floor: sexual and medical co-morbidities

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Graziottin A.
The pelvic floor: sexual and medical co-morbidities
Plenary Lecture
8th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology Nurses (EAUN), in conjunction with the 22nd Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology, Berlin, Germany, March 21-24, 2007, Abstract Book, p. 44-45
The pelvic floor is the anatomic, static and dynamic structure that inferiorly closes the pelvis and sustains the pelvic and abdominal organs. Its role is increasingly recognized in the etiology of different medical (urologic, gynecologic, proctologic, physiatric) and sexual conditions, contributing to a significant comorbidity.
The presentation will discuss this co-morbidity in the lifespan perspective, with special focus on predisposing, precipitating and maintaining factors – biological, psychosexual and context-related – the clinician should pay attention to, for a comprehensive diagnosis and a well tailored etiologically oriented treatment.

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