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Testosterone substitution therapy and women's sexual health

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Graziottin A. Serafini A.
Testosterone substitution therapy and women's sexual health
European Endocrinology, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2008, p. 73-76
Testosterone therapy is of growing interest because of its increasingly recognised role in sexual and mental health, bone and muscle trophism and vitality. An expanding body of evidence supports the influence of testosterone on sexuality, with the focus on desire and central (mental) arousal. This is more evident in women who have undergone oophorectomy and, therefore, have a complex symptomatology (sexual and non-sexual), secondary to the loss of ovarian androgens.
The objective of this article is to evaluate testosterone physiology in women, differences in sexuality between women and men, definition and epidemiology of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) and characteristics of testosterone patches and clinical indications.

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